Gerardo Alberto Rivas
20 years old
I am a boy who is always happy, I like to be sociable with other people and I love visual activities, but especially the auditory ones since my favorite hobby is listening to electronic music.
You know? I love being independent, so I strive to do many activities with my hands and one of them is to manage my wheelchair perfectly.
I am a very active and smiling boy who enjoys the tranquility of nature, which is why I love taking walks in the park. I love watching television and more when they are funny cartoons that amuses me a lot, one of the things that I like the most is being surrounded by my classmates since they make me feel unique and special at every moment.
Juan José Chávez
11 Years Old
I am a very active and smiling boy who enjoys the tranquility of nature, which is why I love taking walks in the park. I love watching television and more when they are funny cartoons that amuses me a lot, one of the things that I like the most is being surrounded by my classmates since they make me feel unique and special at every moment.
““Don’t judge me by my diagnosis, look at me for what I can become.””
André Chumil Emiliani
11 Years Old
I am known for being a very active and curious boy since I am observing every detail that surrounds me, I love listening to children's music and my favorite character is Barney, I am a collaborator so I help to perform several activities, I enjoy the tranquility since It helps me to be more relaxed during the day.
Walter Alexander Roque Ortiz
26 Years Old
I am a boy passionate about calm music, since it makes me feel relaxed, but I also love to play sounds with different objects, I am characterized by being very smiling and affectionate with the people around me, I like to take care of my Personal things and enjoy the sensation of different textures.
Julio Espinoza
24 Years Old
I am a very smiling and friendly young man I love to share with all the people who come to visit me, I really like to take walks in the park since that helps me to be calmer., One of my favorite hobbies is to do all kinds of crafts and more when they are very important dates, but the most special for me is Easter because I like to collect photos and cuts of the passion of Christ. To communicate with my friends and colleagues I do it through gestures
Juan Pablo Rivas
32 Years Old
I identify myself as a very sociable and smiling person, my favorite toys are stuffed animals and more if they have lights and sounds, I really enjoy playing tickle with my friends to spend moments of laughter and fun, my hobby is to listen and dance My favorite songs. Loved spending time with people who show me their love.
Jorge Raúl Garavito Say
25 Years Old
I am characterized by having many qualities, including being friendly, smiling and very charismatic, I enjoy the sounds of nature and different melodies since they make me experience an inner peace of tranquility, I love walks and meet- Closing new places I also express what pleases and dislikes the people around me.
Jonathan Alexander Menéndez Pérez
23 Years Old
I am a very affectionate and smiling boy, I love to share with people and show them my love by giving hugs that will leave them breathless, I enjoy life, music and good company.